R-E-D Slag Replacement
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Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS,) commonly referred to as Slag, is a by-product of pig iron production from blast furnaces. Consisting primarily of amorphous (glass) silicate and aluminosilicate, Slag makes concrete more enduring and sustainable. Slag is a supplementary cementitious material (SCM) that increases durability and strength. Furthermore, Slag decreases thermal cracking, increases resistance to sulfates and chlorides as well as mitigates ASR in concrete.
R-E-D Industrial Products has developed a Slag replacement from its Re-Act 4™ ground glass pozzolan product line called Re-Act 4™SR which rivals Slag in many ways. A sustainable and recycled product that allows for lower CO2 concrete and reduction of glass waste in landfills, Re-Act 4™SR can be used anywhere Slag is used: ready mix concrete designs, precast, high-strength concrete projects such as dams and foundations, as well as used in high-volume mortar applications and in paving projects. The use of Re-Act 4™SR produces a whiter colored finish as compared with Slag and other SCMs such as silica fume and fly ash.

& Sustainability
We provide real-world solutions to sustainability challenges when using R-E-D Industrial Products Re-Act 4™SR. We stand by the durability of Re-Act 4™SR and its ability to ensure strength into the future. See how Re-Act 4™SR can help you with your next project's sustainability needs by reading the information below.
Applicability for Sustainability:
Increase concrete strength
Reduction permeability
Resistant against corrosion
Reduction of cracking
Stands up against an internal chemical attack
Decreased embodied energy
When used in tandem with traditional Portland cement it increases strength extending the life cycle cost
Increase structural life when used as a cement replacement, it can be used as a partial or full replacement of cement cutting back on greenhouse gas emissions
Increases concrete longevity, especially in areas where concrete is surrounded by or subject to high levels of water or corrosive natural elements such as bridges, tunnels, and dams
Its low permeability protects reinforcing steel and rebar from internal chemical attacks
Decreased embodied energy (the amount of energy used from production to transportation and delivery)
Decreases the urban heat island effect which is a direct contributor to increased energy costs and air pollution
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change
Avoids having a byproduct that is otherwise useless from being landfilled and increasing industry waste
Overall reduction of the environmental impact of concrete mixtures
Sustainability Fact: issues related to urban heat islands jeopardize more people in the United States than hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and lightning combined [1].
[1] “Urban Heat Islands.” The Nature Conservancy, 22 July 2019, https://www.nature.org/en-us/about-us/where-we-work/united-states/pennsylvania/stories-in-pennsylvania/pennsylvania-heat-islands/.